Eureca USB camera boards for linear sensors

Eureca offers a new family of USB line scan camera boards from its own production, based on the TCD1304DG linear sensor from Toshiba. Due to their small size, they are ideal for building compact optoelectronic measuring devices. A high line rate and a wide range of possible exposure times enable use in a variety of applications. The low price also makes these modules interesting for research, teaching and the maker scene.

Starter kit with sensors and various e9u-LSMDs.

Possible applications are:

  • Spectroscopy / Spectrometry
  • Edge detection
  • Position control
  • Measuring objects
  • Scanning documents

We present some applications in more detail on a separate page.

A page with answers to possible questions (e. g. »How does … the operation of several line scan cameras on a single control computer actually work?«) is currently under construction.

Line scan camera modules

The modules of the line scan camera family are available in two basic versions.

STD: Standard Version

This version offers a balanced price-performance ratio and is suitable for a variety of applications and different measuring tasks.

PRO: Professional Version

This version offers additional features such as an external trigger for demanding measurement tasks with lower tolerances. This significantly extends the possible uses.

Sample picture line scan camera module e9u-LSMD-1304

Typemax. Frame
Rate [fps]
Ext. Trigger
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-STD133Standard Version
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-PRO250 (t. b. d.)Professional Version
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-STD-X133Standard Version
without cover glass
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-PRO-X250 (t. b. d.)Professional Version
without cover glass
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-STD-Q133Standard Version
with quartz cover
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-PRO-Q250 (t. b. d.)Professional Version
with quartz cover
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-STD-UV133Standard Version
with UV coating, without cover glass
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-PRO-UV250 (t. b. d.)Professional Version
with UV coating, without cover glass
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-STD-UVQ133Standard Version
with UV coating, with quartz cover
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-PRO-UVQ250 (t. b. d.)Professional Version
with UV coating, with quartz cover
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-AdapterIncreases the distance between the sensor and camera board

Version: 06-12-2024

Common values include:

  • Read out noise: 45 e
  • min. Exposure Time: 0.01 ms
  • Maximum data rate via USB: 2 MB/s
  • Supply current: < 250 mA

Line scan camera modules Open Source (OS)

Among other things the line scan cameras were developed as part of the Optocubes research project (open source modular system for agile prototyping of laser-based sensors) [Forschungsprojektes Optocubes (Open Source Systembaukasten für das Agile Prototyping laserbasierter Sensoren) – german only], which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

TypeRead out
noise [e]
Time [ms]
Time Gra-
dation [ms]
max. Frame
Rate [fps]
Frame Rate
tion [ms]
Max. Data
Rate [MB/s]
Ext. Trigger
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-OSI658150via USB: 0.4OSI Version
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-OSX658150via USB: 0.4OSX Version
e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-OSG658150via USB: 0.4OSG Version

Version: 03-21-2023

Starter set

A starter set based on a Raspberry single-board computer is also available. Only one of the camera modules, a monitor with HDMI connection, mouse and keyboard are required for commissioning. The set consists of:

Example of a starter kit e9u-LSMD with a line scan camera module

  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ or newer with attached heat sink
  • Aluminum housing or rib housing
  • Plug-in power supply 220V AC Euro plug
  • Supplied microSD card with pre-installed operating system and GUI interface (GUI: Grafical User Interface) for the separately selected camera module

Adapter for our Line Scan Cameras: e9u-LSMD-TCD1304-Adapter

We offer a special adapter board to operate a sensor separately from the line scan camera board. This allows the sensor to be mounted in places where there is little installation space. This adapter board is also suitable for providing the sensor with additional cooling to reduce dark noise.

With this solution, the connection between the camera and sensor is made via a 20 cm long ribbon cable, which can be easily disconnected using clamping plugs and reconnected after installation. The effective distance between the sensor and camera that can be bridged in this way is approx. 15 cm, as the cable should not be under mechanical tension during operation.

Adapter 02.29.0023

In principle, longer ribbon cables can also be used if required. However, the longer the cable, the greater the risk of external interference, which can either impair the signal quality or even make it completely impossible to operate the sensor.

Adapter with sensor and camera board

Please note that the ribbon cable has no electrical shielding to reduce such external interference. In environments with very strong sources of electromagnetic interference, this can lead to problems even with a cable length of 20 cm, so that completely different solutions—such as connection via BNC cable or the use of additional drivers—must be used.

Easy control

A special »EasyAccess« DLL is available for our USB line scan camera modules, with which the cameras can be put into operation very quickly and controlled for simple applications.

The initialization of the camera, the recording as well as the transfer of the acquired sensor data is done with a few simple commands. This makes this DLL ideally suited for use with Python, but also with other programming languages. Our application examples for our line scan cameras, for example, were all realized with this »EasyAccess« DLL.

For more demanding, time-critical applications, the »EasyAccess« DLL naturally still contains all the conventional functions for controlling the line scan camera for programming with e. g. C++ or similar. The »EasyAccess«-DLL is available free of charge on request. Please contact us via e-mail if you are interested.

From now on, our self-developed line scan cameras with USB connection can also be ordered in small quantities by end customers via our brand new Maker Shop!

Go to our Maker-Shop

For offers for larger quantities or if you are interested in reselling please contact us via e-mail.

Here you can easily ask a question or inquiry about our products:

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Last update: 2025-11-02