
DesignationSocket by Andon
Article number (Eureca)01.25.0415
Number of contacts 6
Isolation material L14
Surface Terminal/Contact R27
Mounting SMD
Terminal type 265S

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Socket dimensions
Used terminal type (265S)

This socket can be used for the following devices:

Linear_Integrated:ID100-TO78, ID101-TO-78, IT120A-TO-78, IT120-TO-78, IT121-TO-78, IT122-TO-78, IT124-TO-78, IT130A-TO-78, IT130-TO-78, IT131-TO-78, IT132-TO-78, LS301-TO-78, LS302-TO-78, LS303-TO-78, LS310-TO-78, LS311-TO-78, LS312-TO-78, LS313-TO-78, LS318-TO-78, LS3250-TO-78, LS3550-TO-78, LS358-TO-78, LS3954ATO-78, LS3954TO-78, LS3955TO-78, LS3956TO-78, LS3958TO-78, LS5905TO-78, LS5906TO-78, LS5907-TO-78, LS5908-TO-78, LS5909TO-78, LS840TO-78, LS841TO-78, LS842TO-78, LS843TO-78, LS844TO-78, LS845TO-78
Micropac:62099, 66168, 66229, 4N22, 4N22/A, 4N23, 4N23/A, 4N24, 4N24/A, 4N47, 4N47/A, 4N48, 4N48/A, 4N49, 4N49/A

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