Sockets by Andon for products from Andanta

Andanta has more than 30 years of experience in developing, manufacturing and distributing optoelectronic detectors and emitters.

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Socket series by Andon Available Types Matching devices from Andanta
FPA-320x256-K, FPA-320x256-K-2.2-TE2, FPA-320x256-K-TE2, FPA-640x512, FPA-640x512-TE2
AND128 LT, AND128 LT SP0.5, AND128 LT SP1.0, AND128 LTI, AND128 LTI SP0.5, AND128 LTI SP1.0 AND256 LTI, AND256 LTI SP0.5, AND256 LTI SP1.0
FPA640x512_P15-C (Badger-C), FPA640x512_P15-TE1 (Badger-T)

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